Worthy Bonds

To be perfectly honest, I’m a little bit obsessed with Worthy Bonds.

The minimum buy-in (i.e., one single bond) is $10.

They aim to pay 5% interest come hell or high water.

You can cash out your bonds at any time.

They support small/local businesses.

And you can get a $10 bond for free.  

Seriously, how could I not be obsessed?

I haven’t downloaded their app–I just interact with them through their website–but the thought of seeing my interest grow from my phone is appealing, so we’ll see what happens.  Their website is sleek and efficient, as is their business model: loan cash to small businesses who can use inventory as collateral, making the loans much safer–“worthier,” if you will–than standard loans.  Charge more than 5% interest; profit.  Everybody wins.

It’s not quite Kiva, but it’s a kick-ass compromise between high interest (relative to savings accounts) and decent ethics.

So sign up with Worthy Bonds for as little as $10, and get $10 free for you and me.  Tell your friends, and get $10 when they sign up.  Everybody wins!


One response to “Worthy Bonds”

  1. […] I’m a little in love with Worthy Bonds, and I want everyone I know to sign up for their services using my link so we both get a free $10 […]